Terms of Use

Welcome to Conectta2, the social network that connects you with people from all over the world. On our platform, we want to provide a safe and friendly space where you can share your interests, learn from others and meet new people. To achieve this, we have created a set of rules that all users must follow to ensure that Conectta2 is a positive and respectful community. Here are these rules.

-Mutual respect: Users are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration, regardless of their differences of opinion, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, among other personal characteristics.

-Harassment of any kind, including but not limited to verbal, physical or psychological harassment, will not be tolerated on the platform.

-Inappropriate Content: Users may not post content that is pornographic, violent, illegal, offensive or infringes on the copyrights of others.

-Privacy: Users shall respect the privacy of other users, and shall not be allowed to post personal information of others without their consent.

-Spam prohibition: The platform shall not allow the posting of spam messages, unsolicited advertising or any other form of unwanted communication.

-Content Responsibility: Users shall be responsible for the content they post on the platform and shall ensure that it does not violate local and federal laws.

-Moderation: The platform will have a team of moderators who will monitor the content posted and take action against those users who violate the rules.

-Consequences for violations: Sanctions will be established for users who violate the rules, which may include the removal of content, temporary or permanent suspension of the account or even reporting to the competent authorities in the case of serious violations.

-Intellectual Property Rights: Users must respect the intellectual property rights of other users and may not post content that infringes copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property rights.

-Communication with users: The platform will provide communication channels for users to report any violations of the rules or make suggestions for improving the platform.

We hope that these rules will be useful to create a safe, respectful and enriching community on Conectta2. We want to offer a platform that encourages dialogue and the exchange of ideas among our users, but always within the framework of respect and legality. We appreciate your cooperation in complying with these rules and building together a positive and constructive online community. Welcome to Conectta2!