How to Beat Jenova Dreamweaver - Boss in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

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Final Fantasy VII Remake is an epic reimagining of the classic RPG, blending real-time action with strategic gameplay in a richly detailed world, following Cloud Strife and his allies as they battle against the malevolent Shinra Corporation.

"Final Fantasy VII Remake" is a reimagining of the classic 1997 JRPG "Final Fantasy VII." Set in the dystopian city of Midgar, the game follows Cloud Strife, a former member of the elite military group SOLDIER turned mercenary, who joins the eco-terrorist group AVALANCHE. AVALANCHE is determined to stop the Shinra Corporation, a powerful entity draining the planet’s life force for energy. As the story unfolds, Cloud and his allies discover deeper conspiracies involving ancient beings and a legendary villain, Sephiroth. 

Basic Gameplay:
The game combines real-time action with strategic elements, allowing players to control a party of characters, each with unique abilities. Combat involves basic attacks, special abilities, magic, and summons, which require managing the ATB (Active Time Battle) gauge. Exploration includes navigating Midgar’s diverse environments, interacting with NPCs, and completing quests to advance the story and develop characters.

Jenova Dreamweaver - Boss Overview
Role and Attributes:
Jenova Dreamweaver is a significant boss encountered during the game's later stages. Known for its connection to the enigmatic Jenova, it serves as a formidable opponent with various phases and attack patterns. The boss exhibits high health, multiple devastating attacks, and the ability to summon additional threats.

Unlockable Points and Route:
To encounter Jenova Dreamweaver, players must progress through the main storyline until they reach the Shinra Headquarters. Specific objectives will guide the player through the building, eventually leading to a confrontation with this boss. Key points include:

Shinra Building: Ascend through the floors, following the story objectives.
Laboratory Area: Look for distinct laboratory environments with sci-fi aesthetics, leading you to the encounter.
Signals and Landmark Items:

Visual Cues: Look for areas heavily themed with alien-like structures and dark, pulsating lights.
Story Prompts: Dialogues and cutscenes will hint at Jenova’s presence, preparing you for the battle.
Battle State Entry and Character Recommendations
Battle Signals:
Entering the combat zone will trigger a dramatic cutscene, setting the stage for the fight. Prepare for battle once the music intensifies and Jenova Dreamweaver appears.

Recommended Characters:

Cloud Strife: Essential for his versatility and strength.
Barret Wallace: Ideal for ranged attacks and tanking damage.
Aerith Gainsborough: Crucial for healing and magical support.
Defeating Jenova Dreamweaver - Skills and Tactics
Skills and Phases:
Jenova Dreamweaver has multiple phases, each with unique attacks:

Phase 1:

Tendrils: Avoid these by staying mobile.
Psychic Slashes: Block or dodge to mitigate damage.
Phase 2:

Adds Summon: Focus on eliminating summoned enemies quickly.
Debilitating Attacks: Use status resistances or abilities to counteract these.
Phase 3:

Ultimate Attack: Signaled by a lengthy charge animation. Use Limit Breaks or high-damage abilities to stagger or interrupt if possible.
Area of Effect (AoE) Attacks: Spread out to minimize damage.
Avoiding Fatal Skills:

Watch for Charge Up Animations: These often signal high-damage or fatal attacks. Prepare to use defensive abilities or reposition.
Keep Moving: Many attacks can be avoided by staying mobile and dodging at the right moments.
Operational Tips
Common Mistakes:

Ignoring Summons: Failing to address summoned adds can overwhelm the party.
Neglecting Healing: Always keep Aerith on standby for healing spells to maintain party health.
Constructive Advice:

Maintain ATB Balance: Keep an eye on your ATB gauge and use it wisely for both offensive and defensive abilities.
Utilize Materia: Equip and upgrade Materia that boosts defense, healing, and stagger damage.
Position Exposure and Avoidance:

Stay Mobile: Constant movement reduces the chance of being hit by targeted attacks.
Use Obstacles: Hide behind structures to break line of sight and avoid certain attacks.
Combat Strategy with Tommy Gun and UC Utilization
Main Strategy:

Aggressive Engagement: Use high-damage abilities when Jenova is staggered.
Defensive Play: Focus on healing and defending during high-damage phases.
PUBG-Mobile-UC Concept:

UC (Unknown Cash) is the in-game currency used to purchase cosmetics, skins, and other items to enhance the gameplay experience.
Utilizing UC in Different Game Stages
Early Game:

Purchase Essential Upgrades: Get basic skins and character upgrades to enhance initial gameplay experience.
Mid Game:

Invest in Tactical Gear: Use UC to acquire items that improve performance, such as weapon skins with better visibility or character outfits for better camouflage.
Late Game:

Save for Premium Items: Use accumulated UC for rare and high-value items that offer significant in-game advantages.

Detailed Guide for Defeating Jenova Dreamweaver in Final Fantasy VII Remake
Recommended Characters and Specific Playstyles
1. Cloud Strife:

Role: Main DPS and tank.
Key Abilities:
Braver (Ability): High damage single-target attack.
Triple Slash (Ability): Hits multiple enemies or deals multiple hits to a single target.
Counterstance (Ability): Counters enemy attacks with high damage.
Playstyle: Focus on positioning and using abilities to deal consistent damage. Utilize Counterstance to block and counter powerful attacks.
2. Barret Wallace:

Role: Ranged DPS and off-tank.
Key Abilities:
Focused Shot (Ability): High damage to pressured or staggered enemies.
Maximum Fury (Ability): Rapid fire, high DPS.
Lifesaver (Ability): Redirects damage from other party members to Barret.
Playstyle: Keep your distance, use Lifesaver to protect allies, and focus on high-damage attacks when Jenova is staggered.
3. Aerith Gainsborough:

Role: Healer and magic DPS.
Key Abilities:
Healing Wind (Limit Break): Heals all party members.
Arcane Ward (Ability): Doubles spell casts for high DPS output.
Pray (Ability): Heals the party without using MP.
Playstyle: Focus on healing and using magic attacks from a distance. Use Arcane Ward to boost spell damage.
Key Strategies and Damage Output
Phase Breakdown:
Phase 1:

Behavior: Uses basic attacks and summons tentacles.
Key Strategy:
Focus on tentacles to reduce overall damage.
Use Barret’s ranged attacks and Cloud’s Triple Slash.
Phase 2:

Behavior: More aggressive with AOE attacks and summons minions.
Key Strategy:
Take out minions quickly to avoid being overwhelmed.
Utilize Aerith’s Healing Wind if needed and Cloud’s Braver for high damage.
Phase 3:

Behavior: High damage AOE and ultimate attacks.
Key Strategy:
Spread out to minimize AOE damage.
Use Barret’s Maximum Fury and Aerith’s Arcane Ward boosted spells.
Avoiding and Countering Attacks
Key Skills and How to Avoid Them:
Tentacle Attack: Stay mobile and keep targeting tentacles.
Psychic Slashes: Dodge or block using Cloud's Counterstance.
Ultimate Attack (Gathering Storm): Recognizable by a charge-up animation. Use Limit Breaks to stagger or interrupt.
Rewards After Defeating Jenova Dreamweaver

XP and AP: Essential for leveling up characters and Materia.
High-Quality Items: Includes rare Materia, weapons, and accessories.
Specific Items:
Revival Earrings: Automatically revives the character once per battle.
Power Wristguards: Increase physical damage output.
Usage and Impact:

Leveling Up: XP and AP help characters and Materia become more powerful, crucial for tougher battles ahead.
Equipment: The items obtained enhance your team's capabilities, providing significant advantages in future encounters.
Common Mistakes and Tips
Ignoring Tentacles and Minions: Leads to overwhelming damage.
Neglecting Healing: Can cause party wipes, especially in Phase 3.
Poor Positioning: Makes it easy for Jenova to hit multiple characters with AOE attacks.
Focus Fire: Prioritize tentacles and minions before targeting Jenova directly.
Healing Priority: Keep Aerith actively healing, especially during high-damage phases.
Spread Out: Position your characters to avoid clumped AOE damage.
ATB Management: Always have an ATB gauge ready for emergency healing or high-damage abilities.

Defeating Jenova Dreamweaver in Final Fantasy VII Remake requires strategic character selection, precise timing, and effective use of abilities. Cloud, Barret, and Aerith provide a balanced team for handling both DPS and healing. By understanding each phase's attack patterns and utilizing the rewards efficiently, players can enhance their gameplay and prepare for subsequent challenges. Stay mobile, prioritize healing, and manage your ATB gauges wisely to overcome this formidable boss.


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